1987 – Chetham’s, Manchester

1987 – Manchester.

Chetham’s School of Music.

Specification: mechanical action throughout.


Principal 8’

Chimney Flute 8’

Octave 4’

Fifteenth 2’

Mixture III

Trumpet 8’


Stopped Diapason 8’

Flute 4’

Octave 2’

Sesquiatera II

Larigot 1 1/3’

Cromorne 8’


Subbass 16’

Principal 8’   (from Great Principal 8′)

Wide Octave 4’

Fagot 16’

Gt/P  Ec/P  Ec/Gt

Casework designed by Roger Pulham.

Consultant – Gordon Stewart.

Installed without pipework due to the closure of Church & Company.

1989 – organ completed, pipework installed and finished by Wood of Huddersfield.

2001 – electric drawstop action and pistons installed by Wood of Huddersfield.

2021 – destroyed in a fire which began in the concert hall.