1986 – Heathfield School, Ascot

1986 – Ascot, Berkshire

Heathfield School Chapel

Specification: mechanical action throughout.

Great  (in the chair case)

Rohr Flote 8’

Geigen Principal 4’

Fifteenth 2’

Clarinet 8’

Swell  (stop list to be confirmed)

Open Diapason 8′

Flute Harmonique 8’

Dulciana 8’

Octave 4’

Flautina 2’


Subbass 16’

Principal 8’  (Lewis Gt. Open Diapason No.2)

Gt/P   Sw/P   Sw/Gt

The Great casework, all the pipework except the Swell Fifteenth 2’, and other material, was salvaged from the 1892 T.C.Lewis organ in St Hilda’s Church, Darlington. The Darlington case was designed by the architect of the Church, J.L.Pearson, and the central portion was left without facade pipes.

The organ was removed in 2012 and replaced by a digital  instrument.