1978 – St Michael’s, Coxwold

1978 – Coxwold, Yorkshire.

St Michael’s Anglican Parish Church.

Specification: mechanical action throughout.


Chimney Flute 8’

Salicional 8′  (1-12 from Chimney Flute 8′)

Principal 4’

Mixture III


Gedackt 8’

Flute 4’

Principal 2’

Sesquialtera II


Bourdon 16’  (from the previous organ)

Gt/P   Rp/P   Rp/Gt

Decorative elements were designed by Ronald Simms, architect.

A 40th Anniversary recital was given by Paul Ritchie in June 2018.

Recordings by Anna Lapwood and Ian Dyson can be found on YouTube.