1972 – Stamfordham, Northumberland.
Portable continuo organ, nick-named the ‘Lancaster Organ’.
Specification: mechanical action throughout.
Manual – compass CC-g 56 notes
Gedeckt 8’
Koppel Flute 4’
Principal 2’
Quinte 1 1/3’
Designed and built by Nigel Church.
First shown at an IAO Congress in Lancaster.
The photograph shows the organ standing in Holy Cross Anglican Church, Fenham.
1976 – pipework incorporated into a new organ designed and built by Peter Whitfield for All Saints, Bearsden, Dumbartonshire. Peter Whitfield formerly worked for Harrison & Harrison, Durham.
2001 – acquired by the Oundle International Festival Committee. First installed in Fotheringay Church and later transferred to St. Rumbold’s Anglican Church, Stoke Doyle, Northamptonshire by Richard Bower.